Technical Textiles - Industry Solutions

Coating and/or lamination is the preferred method of adhering substrates together in the technical textile industry, but conventional technologies are inefficient and often unsafe for both the operator and the environment. At ITW Dynatec, we think unsafe and inefficient are simply unacceptable.

Our technologies not only reduce risk to operator and environment; they also make product lines more efficient, reduce adhesive and product waste and save our customers time and money. 
The Technology: UFD fiberized spray
  • Modular applicators can be combined to build segmented applicators from one to as many as 200 ports.
  • The industry's most precise applicator for size and placement of multiple fiber size patterns.
  • Laminated plate technology (LPT) produces monofilament strands of adhesive and uses heated air to elongate those strands and lay them down in random or ordered patterns.
 The Dynatec Advantage
  • Adhesive savings: In many cases, by using our UFD fiberized spray technology, you can cut adhesive usage by 20-50% without sacrificng bond strength or durability.
  • The perfect-fit solution: UFD application technology is available in three applicators:
    • UFD fiberized Spray
      • Offers infinite variability
      • Delivers high precision coat weights from .1 gsm to 300 gsm
      • Produces web widths from single yarn/strand to 5m wide
      • Can vary web widths on the fly
    • UFD High Speed Applicator
      • Can achieve times as low as 3.5 milliseconds
      • Offers high precision adhesive coating at cycle speeds up to 6,000 per minute
      • Features rapid component changeover
    • Equity UFD Applicator
      • Offers adhesive add-on weights from .02 grams per linear meter per strand
      • Delivers remarkable adhesive savings up to 70% over spiral or all other types of non-contact application methods 
      • Available in vertical or horizontal nozzle mount HS Series modules


  • GeoTech. Learn more how ITW Dynatec's products are the best product and process for the GeoTech Industry. 
  • HomeTech. ITW Dynatec's adhesive application systems provide manufacturers and better alternative to processes such as roll coating, scatter coating and flame laminating.

Solutions for the Coating and Laminating Market

UFD Fiberized Spray Technology  

  • Modular applicators can be combined to build segmented applicators from one to as many as 200 ports.
  • The industry's most precise applicator for size and placement of multiple fiber size patterns.
  • Laminated plate technology (LPT) produces monofilament strands of adhesive and uses heated air to elongate those strands and lay them down in random or ordered patterns.
Adhesive Supply Units
  • Up to 1,600 lb hopper capacity
  • Pump output rate of up to 1400 lbs/hr for ultimate performance.
  • Patented Melt-On-Demand no char system equipped
  • Multiple grid rows for superior melt rate. 

Technische Textilien – Industrielle Lösungen

Bei der Herstellung von Technische Textilien sind Klebe-Verfahren zur Laminierung und Kaschierung weit verbreitet. Meist sind die herkömmlichen Technologien allerdings nicht sonderlich effizient oder umweltverträglich.

ITW Dynatec bietet gerade in diesem Bereich neue Technologien an, um Produktionsprozesse zu verbessern und wirtschaftlicher zu gestalten. Eine zentrale Technologie ist dabei das Laminieren und Kaschieren von Textilien mittels luftdurchlässigem UFD DynaFiber Klebstoffauftrag. Dieser offenporige Klebstoffauftrag gewährleistet die Atmungsaktivität einer Textilie. Auch wasser- und windabweisende Textilien lassen sich mit der patentierten UFD DynaFiber Technologie mühelos realisieren.

Die Vorteile im Überblick:

  • Klebstoffersparnis
  • Modularer Aufbau der Systeme
  • Randscharfer Klebstoffauftrag
  • Steigerung der Produktivität


Typische Anwendungen für unsere Systeme:


  • Lagenverklebung
  • Veredelung
  • Rollenanfangsverklebung
  • Rollenendverklebung


Typische Anwendungen für unsere Systeme:




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ITW Dynatec GmbH

Industriestr. 28
40822 Mettmann

Telefon: +49 (0) 2104-915-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 2104-915-111




ITW Dynatec GmbH | Industriestr. 28 | 40822 Mettmann | Deutschland | Telefon: +49 (0) 2104-915-0 | Telefax: +49 (0) 2104-915-111 |